
Family energy efficieny

Signs You May Need Asbestos Removal — Don't Ignore Any of These Red Flags

Asbestos is a group of mineral fibres that was widely used in building materials for many years. While it is highly durable and heat-resistant, it has also been linked to several lung diseases and cancers. Although its use has been prohibited in numerous countries, it is important to note that many older homes and buildings still retain traces of it. If you live in an older home or are planning to buy one, it's important to know the signs that you may need asbestos removal. This blog will discuss what asbestos is, how it can harm your health and the signs that it may be present in your home.

Presence of asbestos-containing materials

The most obvious sign that you may need asbestos removal is the presence of asbestos-containing materials in your home. Asbestos has been extensively utilised in a wide range of building materials, including insulation, pipes, roofing, flooring and cement. If your home is old, it is likely that it contains some form of asbestos. You can have a professional asbestos inspection done to determine if your home contains asbestos.

Visible damage to materials

Another sign that you may need asbestos removal is visible damage to materials containing asbestos. Asbestos fibres become dangerous when they are disturbed and release into the air. Damaged asbestos-containing materials can cause fibres to become airborne and pose a serious health risk. If you see any signs of damage to materials such as cracking, chipping or disintegration, you should call an asbestos removal company right away.

Health issues

Asbestos exposure can cause several lung diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. Additionally, it can give rise to various health concerns, including persistent cough, discomfort in the chest and difficulty in breathing. If you or anyone in your family is experiencing any of these symptoms, it could be a sign of asbestos exposure. If you suspect that your home contains asbestos, you should consult with a medical professional and have an asbestos inspection done.

Renovations or repairs

If you're planning to do renovations or repairs on an older home, you should be aware that they can disturb asbestos-containing materials. Releasing asbestos fibres into the air can pose a significant risk of exposure to you. It is crucial to be aware of the potential hazards associated with it. If you're planning any renovations or repairs in an older home, you should have an asbestos inspection done before you begin. This will help you identify any materials that contain asbestos and take appropriate steps to protect yourself and others.

History of exposure

Finally, if you or anyone in your family has a history of working with asbestos-containing materials, you may need asbestos removal. People who have worked in industries such as construction, shipbuilding or manufacturing may have been exposed to asbestos fibres on the job. This puts them at a higher risk for asbestos-related diseases. If you have a history of exposure, you should have an asbestos inspection done and take appropriate measures to protect yourself and your family.

Asbestos can be a highly dangerous substance that affects your health in the long run. It's important to pay close attention to the signs that your home may contain asbestos and take appropriate steps to have it removed. Be sure to call on a qualified asbestos removal company to do the job and keep yourself and your family safe from harm.

For more information on asbestos removal, contact a professional near you.

About Me

Family energy efficieny

Growing up my parents always yelled at me to get out of the shower quickly to save power. These days we have an eco-friendly set up in our house that has an endless hot water from a hot water system and I'm always looking at easy ways to save energy around the home. It's funny how these things go in cycles! Luckily for me my kids are also enthusiastic about preserving the environment and saving power so half the time it's actually by kids find new ways to preserve energy. We collect all of our tips on this site to help other families save energy as well.